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Recommendation of Bishop In Hwan Kim for an Honorary Degree Recipient  [공지]
   성은 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물    작성일 14-05-27 14:48    조회 5,352    댓글 0  

강남성은교회 / 사진나눔

강남성은교회 / 사진나눔

Recommendation of Bishop In Hwan Kim for an Honorary Degree Recipient
By Angella Son, Associate Professor of Psychology and Religion

I enthusiastically recommend the Reverend Bishop In Hwan Kim who is one of my colleagues as an honorary degree recipient from Drew University. Reverend Bishop Kim is an alumnus of Drew Theological School, his life exemplifies the spirit of Drew University, and he has made outstanding contributions to both church and society in China, Korea, and the United States.
Bishop In Hwan Kim has a special relationship to Drew.  Bishop Kim completed his Master of Divinity degree at Drew Theological School and graduated in 1985.  As a student, he received the George Warren Memorial Prize, awarded for outstanding New Testament scholarship.  He also served as a member of the Drew Development Committee from 1995 to 1999.  In addition, he has sent numerous students to Drew Theological School and has mentored many graduates for the past thirty years.  Most notably, he was the first among Drew graduates to be elected as a bishop in the Korean Methodist Church in 2010.  He has also been appointed as the Vice President of the Asian Methodist Council and the episcopal delegate of the Korean Methodist Church to the World Methodist Council.  He is recently appointed as the President of the Bishops to chair the committee which is responsible for revising the Discipline (Discipline is the Book of Order of the denomination) of the Korean Methodist Church.
His outstanding contributions to both church and society are too numerous to list.  Among them is his ecumenical approach to communal relationships during his ministry at the Calvary United Methodist Church in East Brunswick, New Jersey.  For instance, he organized an ecumenical service among the Protestants, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and Jewish congregations and celebrated Thanksgiving with these constituents together at his church.  Another of his contribution to church and society is the mentoring of leaders from China, South Korea, and the United States during his eighteen years of ministry at the Calvary United Methodist Church between 1981 and 1999.  Among his mentees are many leaders in South Korea including the president of Seoul National University (the Harvard of South Korea), the more than 100 Ph.D. graduates from Rutgers, Princeton, Drew and other educational institutions, numerous ministers and business leaders among the Korean Chinese in the Shenzhen area, and many leaders among second generation Korean Americans.  Finally, his ministry represented Drew’s motto, “Freely have you received, freely give.”  His ministry at Calvary UMC always included fundraising events for the poor.  In his effort to mentor Korean Chinese in Shenzhen, China, his ministry provided apartments, job training, and job search to over 8,500 people.  His ministry in Shenzhen makes a very important historical mark in both world and church history.  His ministry at Sung Eun Methodist Church since year 1999 has made significant strides in helping those in need, including humanitarian causes for North Koreans.  With his leadership, the Korean Methodist Church recently built a church building for North Korean refugees and the denomination recognized his leadership and appointed him as the main officiant in dedicating the church building.
His leadership in Korean Christianity is stupendously noteworthy.  His work as the Chair of the spiritual Great Revival Movement between 2007 and 2009 focused on the elimination of church corruptions, restoration of church morality, and harmony and unity among churches as a continuing effort of the Great Revival Movement started by a Methodist missionary, Robert Hardie, in 1907.  He served as a District Superintendent for the China district and was a catalyst in church building constructions, leadership training, seminary training, and humanitarian causes.  As the Chair of the Future Ministry Forum since 2009, his main strategic plans include the elimination of the big gap between mega churches and small churches by providing support to small churches, shaping of public theology, improving the level of moral commitment among ministers, and ecumenical dialogue with other religions such as Buddhism, Confucianism, and Indigenous Religions.  As the representative of the Korean Methodist Church on the Korean Executive Steering Committee of the World Council of Churches held in November 2013 in Busan, South Korea, Bishop Kim contributed greatly in mobilizing Korean churches to embrace the World Council of Churches which had been extremely controversial among Korean churches.  His recent appointment as the President of the Bishops on the committee revising the Discipline momentously testifies to the recognition of his influence and leadership in the Korean Methodist Church since his task with the committee is to revise the Discipline in order to resolve the long time conflict within the denomination and its inability to elect the Bishop of the Bishops for several years.  He received many honors from various institutions including those from Korean media in recognizing his integrity and leadership, which often is very critical of Protestant ministers.  He has published eleven books and many journal and newspaper articles to augment his efforts to transform churches and the society. 
I thus recommend Bishop In Hwan Kim as a honorary degree recipient, someone who will not only serve as an inspiration and role model to members of the graduating class but to the rest of the Drew community with his distinguished service to church and society and extraordinary accomplishments as a minister.

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